+90 224 233 40 00
October 3rd - 5th 2024
Harbiye Military Museum, İstanbul / Türkiye
Harbiye Military Museum, İstanbul
Considering the size and diversity of its collection, the Military Museum and Cultural Centre Command in Istanbul, which is linked to the Ministry of National Defense, can be counted among the world’s leading museums
The Museum now boasts an impressive number of artefacts of military culture, covering a period stretching from as far back as the 13th century up to the present day.
The Cultural Centre complex within the Museum also plays host to a wide range of cultural and artistic activities, with contributions coming from Turkey and abroad, from both civil and military spheres.
In addition, to commemorate the years Mustafa Kemal Atatürk spent as a student at the Military Academy, one room in the Museum has been decorated in the style of that period, so visitors are now able to experience Atatürk’s classroom at the Military Academy!
Restoration of certain areas was completed in 1985, and on 10 February 1993, together with the Cultural Centre and other sections, these areas were opened to the public as a 'Military Museum and Cultural Centre.